Kolo Bags are made with natural and rugged materials like Kolo’s signature Organic Waxed Cotton, made in Scotland. Reapplying wax to your Kolo canvas waxed bag is a simple process that can help restore the bag's resistance to water and overall durability. The wax coating also helps your Kolo bag patina beautifully over time. Here are the steps to follow:
- Clean the bag: Before you can reapply wax, you need to clean the bag thoroughly. Use a soft-bristled brush or a damp cloth to remove any dirt or debris from the bag's surface.
- Apply the wax: Using a brush or a lint-free cloth, apply the wax to the bag in a thin, even layer with small circular motions. Be sure to cover all areas of the bag, including seams and corners. You may need to apply multiple coats depending on the condition of the bag and the desired level of water resistance.
- Heat the bag: Once you've applied the wax, use a hairdryer or a heat gun to heat the bag. This will help the wax penetrate the fibers of the canvas and create a more even, durable coating.
- Let the bag dry: Allow the bag to cool and dry completely before using it. This may take several hours, depending on the temperature and humidity.
With these steps, you can help extend your waxed canvas bag’s lifespan and protect your investment in a good quality bag.