Most of our carefully selected tools are simply perfect to help you waste your time super efficiently. Even this little card you are holding in your hand right now is nothing else but a very sophisticated time waster. Oh my lord, imagine how many emails you could have written or how many instagram posts you could have clicked through instead of reading these lines! But before you feel too bad, allow us to tell you that we personally wasted an unbelievable amount of time to invent and write these cards, to design and to print them on nice paper that even smells good. Because we truly believe that we will deeply upgrade your life, and that our tools will become your very favorite waste of time.
As this card has to be small, here are just some of our favorite time wasting tools:
1. A journal and a nice fountain pen to write in a personal diary each and every day (totally useless in times where social media tracks each step you make).
2. Carefully shaking a polaroid picture, waiting for almost 20 minutes before it is finally developed (instead of just taking snapshots with your smartphone).
Please start measuring your delightfully wasted time, ideally with an analog clock, and write it down in a little wasted time notebook with just the minutes and your “time waste” activity. You will see that over time, this little book will magically turn into a very important treasure collection of magic moments.