Maybe you are not aware of it, but your nose is by far your most powerful tool in helping you make the right decisions. Not only does it help with finding the love of your life, but also when you want to discover the perfect tools for your next projects. Please do not hesitate to explore our shops with your nose, carefully sniffing at our products to experience the wonderful smell of high quality leather, paper, ink, organic fabric, candles, and even vinyl records.
Once again, we recommend putting on sunglasses while on a sniffing tour through our Topdrawer universe as this will help you just focus on your nose, supported by the touch of the products when you bring them to your nose. And of course, this is also the moment to remind you that our beautiful handkerchiefs can also be used to wipe your nose for the best possible smell results.
Allow us to share our very personal 3 super favorite scents here:
1. The little funny flakes when sharpening a nice quality wooden pencil
2. The awkward smell of a polaroid picture: very disturbing in the beginning but somehow addictive
3. The wonderful scent of rich watercolors slowly soaking into the thick pages of our artbooks