Without a doubt, the creation of a game changing love letter starts with the respectful selection of simply the perfect paper and pen. We strongly recommend the usage of a fountain pen for such an important occasion as ink will flow over the paper like blood in your pulsing heart. Please take care not to use any paper that does not feel perfect at first touch, thick enough to soak up all your love and desire.
May your eyes not be as sharp as your words, please do not forget to use your readers as even little mistake may spoil the party. We also do recommend having a handkerchief within reach, as real brilliant love letters will create tears on both sides, the writer as well as the reader.
Last but not least, we also want to share a secret with you: never write a love letter with cold feet or without listening to your favorite love songs and lighting a candle.
In the unlikely case that you are not totally sure about the receiver being also in love with you, please spend some extra effort such as adding a unique Polaroid self-portrait or even a little painted watercolor heart or Kiss–o–Gramm.
— We wish you a lot of love!